Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe. 要求西伯利亚独立的人如今只局限于一小撮极端主义分子。
( I'd like to dismiss the PVV as a lunatic fringe group but it's the largest Dutch party in recent polls.) (我倒是想将新自由党贬为疯狂的边缘团体,但在最近民调中,它却是荷兰第一大政党。)
You and the lunatic fringe that listen to this drivel have ruined the country, and subverted conservatism into the ideology of hate. 你和那些听这些胡言乱语的极端分子简直毁了这个国家,愚蠢地把保守主义颠覆成了怨恨!
Most workers will almost certainly accept the government's decision to limit wage increase, but the lunatic fringe will complain loudly and cause much trouble. 几乎可以肯定,大多数工人是会接受政府限制工资增长的决定的,但是那些极端分子将会在声抱怨并制造许多麻烦。
One of australia's pre-eminent stem cell researchers has challenged the Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott saying only a scientist "on the lunatic fringe" would be tempted to fully clone a human being. 一位澳大利亚卓越的干细胞研究者,曾对联邦卫生部部长东尼。阿伯特提出质疑说,如果一个科学家处于“快要疯了的边缘”,那么他才会备受完整地克隆一个人的诱惑。
The lunatic fringe are ignored by most members of the party. 绝大部分党员对极端分子不予理睬。
Vegetarianism is no longer considered the preserve of the lunatic fringe. 素食主义不再被视作极端分子的专利。
The longer there is no solution, the greater the risk that the lunatic fringe, abetted by the likes of iran's president, may one day manage to drop a bomb on the Jewish state. 达成解决方案的时间拖得越久,受伊朗总统之流唆使的极端主义者可能某一天在犹太国家引发恐慌的危险就越大。
And this time, there is no idealisation of the enemy outside of a truly lunatic fringe. 而且,这一次,除了认为敌方是真正的极端主义国家外,没有对他们进行任何理想化。
The disturbance near the headquarters was caused by the lunatic fringe and was quelled by the riot police eventually. 总部附近之骚乱由极端份子引起,最后由防暴警察敉平。